Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Affiliation with Institutions

Here is an article published regarding Americans' increasing resistance to be affiliated with religious institutions. This has been a hot issue for a long time. In fact, it may even be seen as a given in many circles of Americans that one would believe in God and even consider oneself a Christian, but openly attack the institutions of Christianity.

Let us ask the question and see where it leads. What is wrong with belonging to a religious institution?
  • It takes effort even when I am drained of energy.
  • It requires I mold my thinking to someone else's
  • I am judged based on the reputation that others have amassed
  • I have to tolerate and even get along with others who I may not like
  • It is one more commitment in my already overly busy schedule
  • I feel like I am expected to perform when I go to a service, especially during worship
  • I cannot help thinking criticisms about others at the gatherings
  • While the preacher is speaking I am thinking about other things that are more personal and important to me
These are some realistic reasons one might avoid affiliation with a religious institution. Now comes the hard part: reflecting. Let us think about these and return to them in the next post.

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