Saturday, May 3, 2008

While the preacher is speaking I am thinking about other things that are more personal and important to me

It is true that many preachers deliver uninspired sermons. It is also true that the atmosphere may battle against the spirit's willingness to stay awake. It is also highly likely that we have come to church for other reasons than to FIND God's words spoken in the service.

Short attention spans are a modern illness. Many of us also chose occupations, hobbies and personal activities that hinder us from overcoming this pathology. Prayer could help, but it is one of the worst battlefields itself. Reading the Bible could help as well, but it might be the second worst battleground. Journaling may be our only hope. Write your prayers, your dreams, your insights from Bible reading, and insights from the preaching at church. Journaling can assist our souls in learning how to focus, while searching for the spiritually significant in life.

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