Saturday, March 22, 2008

Easter is time for sorrows turning to joy

I hope everyone's going to church for Easter. Probably most everyone here in Poland will. Try to set aside any irritations or complaints you might have about how things are done or what people say and do this weekend. This is a time to focus on the one who raised from the dead and is seated at the right hand of God.

Not everyone will be able to focus on the joy of Christ, due to tragedies in life. I hope that those of you who are blessed with a good path in life at this time, might comfort those who are suffering around you. Sometimes the social barriers against reaching out to our fellow human being seem tremendous! Remember that one of the major points of Christ's ministry on Earth, which we as His body are to continue, was to reach out to those who are suffering and in need, physically or spiritually. Let us do the ministry of the Lord Jesus as long as we have breath and life in us!

In Christ,
R. Craig

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